IAB World Survey Results
12th year of consecutive growth
Full year results 2018
Combined global revenue
US$5.83 billion
Praxity retains
IAB Association ranking
Service Line Stars
US$ 2018
% of total fee income
% increase
Regional Revenue Ups and Downs
US$ 2017 vs 2018
% increase
Robust Global Representation
An Alliance with a purpose, Praxity firms together:

Gordon Krater says:
“We are very pleased with Praxity’s growth and the incredible success of our member firms as they team up to serve clients’ global needs.
“Investment in networking and communication tools and launching new technology solutions to facilitate global knowledge sharing – combined with a clear new branding and Praxity purpose – will continue to cement our position as the world’s largest and best alliance of independent accounting and consulting firms.”
Benchmarking Against the Best
Only data from the named member firm or the exclusive member firms within an organisation is included.
*Data relating to correspondent and equivalent member firms is not included.
Source: International Accounting Bulletin
You can download a copy of the IAB World Survey Results by following the link below.